Calcium: Healthy Bones, Healthy Growth

Getting enough calcium is essential at every stage of life to build strong bones, but it might be most important for growing children.

Calcium and Growing Children

Calcium is a crucial mineral for forming and maintaining bones and teeth. Growth is so rapid in children that inadequate intake can pose a serious risk of stunted growth and weakened bones. This is because bones are being broken down and constantly rebuilt through a process called ‘remodeling.’ If inadequate calcium is available in the blood (made available through the consumption of calcium-rich foods), the body will take the calcium stored in the bones to rebuild. This weakens bones and affects other bodily functions like muscle contraction and blood clotting. 

Calcium and Bone Health into Adulthood

Supporting the growth and maintenance of strong bones throughout childhood and into early adulthood influences bone health for the rest of a person’s life. Adults will reach their maximum bone density in the mid-twenties to early thirties, meaning they have reached their peak bone density and strength at this age. After reaching peak bone density, it's crucial to maintain bone health through a healthy diet and regular exercise to prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of fractures and conditions like osteoporosis. 

Calcium and Vitamin D: Partners in Bone Health

Without enough vitamin D, the body cannot effectively absorb calcium. So you can ensure calcium intake is adequate, but if vitamin D is low, there can be poor bone health outcomes. The best and most readily available source of vitamin D is through sunlight. Unfortunately, because most people spend the majority of their days inside, 41.6% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. This is why it may be important to supplement both calcium and vitamin D together in both children and adults.

Calcium in Food: Dairy and Non-Dairy Sources

While we know the best source of calcium in dairy products - milk, cheese, and yogurt. Did you know there are non-dairy sources of calcium? This is good news for those who cannot or choose not to consume dairy.  For those who follow a plant-based or vegan diet, leafy green vegetables (kale and broccoli), tofu, legumes (chickpeas and lentils), and fortified plant milks (almond, soy, oat) are sources of calcium. If seafood is an option, certain fish like salmon and sardines are excellent sources of calcium. 

Why Supplemental Calcium in Healthy Heights Shakes?

Healthy Heights shakes are already made with calcium-rich whey protein and non fat dry milk - why the additional calcium supplementation? Calcium content can vary in a food source, so our medical team wanted to ensure that the target calcium content was always present in our shake mixes. Additionally, the form of calcium-supplemented Healthy Heights shakes is in the form of calcium citrate, which is very easily absorbed. There is also supplemental vitamin D to help promote the absorption of the calcium. 

Get More Calcium with Healthy Heights Shakes Today!

How much Calcium does Healthy Heights contain?


  • Neville H. Golden, MD; Steven A. Abrams, MD; COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION; Stephen R. Daniels, MD; Steven A. Abrams, MD; Mark R. Corkins, MD; Sarah D. de Ferranti, MD; Neville H. Golden, MD; Sheela N. Magge, MD; Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg, MD. Pediatrics (2014) 134 (4): e1229–e1243,
  • Bonjour, J. P. (2017). Timing of peak bone mass: discrepancies between CT and DXA. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 20(3), 432-442.
  • John F Aloia, Ruban Dhaliwal, Albert Shieh, Mageda Mikhail, Melissa Fazzari, Louis Ragolia, Steven A Abrams, Vitamin D supplementation increases calcium absorption without a threshold effect, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 99, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 624–631,
  • Forrest KY, Stuhldreher WL. Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults. Nutr Res. 2011 Jan;31(1):48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2010.12.001. PMID: 21310306.